Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last Day in China! Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today we met up with the other Gladney Families and headed to the Chan Ancestral Home in Guangzhou.  This Chinese mansion was built about 130 years ago and the workmanship is incredible.  You don't see much traditional architecture here because much of it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.  This house was saved because the Communist Party used it - go figure.  The carvings and artwork on display were wonderful and there were opportunities to purchase some items.  We bought a couple things for Blythe and the girls.  We plan to give them these gifts over time to celebrate various special occasions.  Next stop was the pearl market where various jewelers sell pearls and other items at wholesale.  Christian bought the girls each a pair of earrings that they can have when they get their ears pierced (on their 18th birthday - according to Christian).  Blythe had another tough day in the car so after the Pearl Market we went on another forced march to find snacks for the plane ride.  We can't find Cheerios here so we have been substituting with Honey Nut Cheerios and it came to me that perhaps all the sugar we are giving her is making her crazy.  So we bought her wheat crackers and actually found some goldfish crackers.  So maybe that will help - fingers crossed.  We passed a mall with some interesting stores - ROLUX, CUGGI, DION, BAILEY, PRAYA, HERES.  Not sure if it was a joke but Christian wanted to do all his Christmas shopping - thankfully we ran out of time!  We are back at the hotel watching Champions League Soccer, packing, and waiting for out dinner reservation at 6:00 p.m.  Then it's off to bed before our long trip home.  Please pray for our sanity and safety.  We can't wait for all of you to meet Blythe - she is beautiful, funny, spirited, smart, brave, and very playful.  But most of all we can't wait to be home with all three of our amazing girls continuing the adventure of a lifetime.

Thank you again for your kind words, support and encouragement - it has made all the difference on this long journey!  See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane, Hi Christian!

    I am up tonight..can't sleep and just spent the past 45 minutes reading through your entire journey--wow, I am so inspired! It is so wonderful that you have documented every detail of your journey--what a great record for all 3 girls to read when they are older. Safe travels home today--we hope to see you at some point during the summer! Welcome Baby Blythe--she is gorgeous! Love, Nicole Jacobs
