Thursday, March 10, 2011

Changsha Days and Nights Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our last full day in Changsha was a funny one!  Living in the hotel is getting a little old.  the desk is our kitchen, the window sill our playroom/yard, the entryway our get the picture.  Blythe likes to open the mini bar and take everything out she also likes to play with the remote - I guess that is a universal fascination for children.  Our guide looked at Blythe today and declared that she was ready to go to the USA.  She looks so cute in all of Avery and Claire's clothing.  We have already taught her high five and she is clapping and waving.  She has even been brave enough to take a few steps without holding onto us.  The smile on her face is priceless when we are out, it looks like she is saying - "look at me I have a family that loves me too!  I belong!!"  We couldn't be happier for all of us.

In the morning we headed to the Hunan Provincial Embroidery Museum.  It was a wonderful exhibit of the incredible talents of the local people.  I found the political portraits done during the Cultural Revolution especially interesting.  During that period artists were only allowed to do works depicting the leadership or the 8 approved state operas.  Hunan is the birthplace of the Chairman Mao so his portraits are common.  Christian and I were happy to see a photograph of President Bush 43 at the museum, apparently he received an embroidered family portrait while President.  Blythe slept through the entire tour which  which of course meant she would not sleep the rest of the day!  She was in quite a fussy mood but who can blame her, she has been through a lot in the last week!  I decided to visit a spa at the hotel called Revive! Revive! which is a foot massage parlor which I guess are pretty common here.  They led me into a small smokey room with a TV and a very comfortable chair.  I read while they messaged my feet for 90 minutes for about $25.  The funny part came when she asked me to lie on my stomach...then she hopped on my back and proceeded to dig her knees into my back.  She then cracked both my ankles and all 10 actually felt really good.  We had dinner with our guide and he gave Christian some good news.  Our driver thinks that Christian is the best looking western man that he has ever seen!  Many of you know that this is not Christian's first time being singled out for his beauty - he was voted Best Looking at Pingry.  Anyway he was happy to hear that he has universal appeal.  We move into Guangzhou tomorrow by high speed train and we are hoping that Blythe will enjoy the ride.  There is no smoking on the train which is nice since most of China is filled with cigarette smoke.

Thank you for all of your kind notes via our blog FB and gmail.  They keep us smiling and enjoying this long time away from all of our family and friends...this time next week we will be HOME with BLYTHE!!!

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